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Obama's Hope poster for the 2008 election was the聽 very crystallisation of that ancient聽 yearning in the leader we choose to rule over us. "Operation Volvo", on the other hand, which dates back to 2005, was Brown's doomed attempt to refashion his public image to become the sort of leader he thought the English wanted him to be but never was. In the responses to seemingly bland focus group questions, Brown's team discovered what the electorate thought of its leader: Gordon Brown was a bear, who drove a Volvo, wore a wool suit, drank Newcastle Brown and his other job was a headmaster. On such slender arts modern leaders are created. They also discovered that the southern English never liked this dodgy Scots bloke with a jowly neck and a rictus grin. And, unlike Blair, they never wanted to invite Brown to a family barbecue. Nor would they go out of their way to vote for him at the general election.