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    side effects of stinging nettle root extract  The high cost of health care in the US can be attributed for 2 general reasons.聽 Firstly, there are too much high-tech, expensive equipment in too many hospitals and medical centers that are grossly under-utilized. Much of the development of this equipment originally stems from basic research grants coming largely from government but the results of the researches gets snatched up by the private sector for no cost and they are used to generate profits.聽 The medical device makers (and to a far greater degree, the pharmaceutical companies) need to repay the original seeding costs through a tax or by reducing their sales price.聽 And, secondly, the health insurance companies have reaped billions by cherry-picking their beneficiaries and setting reimbursements to all medical providers so that only paying patients can afford quality healthcare; the taxpayers bear the burden for the under-insured, uninsured and under-privileged.聽 These companies should either provide reasonable coverage to all or pay a windfall tax for the government to do it. The issue is about having affordable healthcare in the US and not necessarily Obamacare.
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