Have you seen any good films recently? vagifem 0 25 Unfazed by Kendall芒聙聶s change in tone, Charlie insists that technical problems will continue to bedevil the program. 芒聙聹You can trace the plane芒聙聶s troubles today back to the 2006芒聙聯2007 time frame,芒聙聺 he explained. 芒聙聹The program was at a critical point and Lockheed needed to prove they could meet weight requirements.芒聙聺 That, he says, led to a series of risky design decisions. 芒聙聹I can tell you, there was nothing they wouldn芒聙聶t do to get through those reviews. They cut corners. And so we are where we are.芒聙聺 While acknowledging that weight was a pressing issue, Lockheed Martin spokesman Michael Rein told me that design trade-offs in 2006 and 2007 were made in concert with, and with the blessing of, Pentagon officials. He strenuously denied the company cut corners or in any way compromised safety or its core values.
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