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what does prilosec do to kidneys With looting being such a major component of Dragon’s Crown it’s worth noting how its actually implemented into the combat scenarios of the game. On both the PlayStation 3 and the PS Vita there is cursor which can be pointed at specific environmental objects. This pointer directs an NPC companion who just travels along with you on your journey, Rannie can unlock treasure chests or discover hidden artifacts hidden in each level, and will scamper behind you picking up loot along the way. Your actual playable character isn’t controlled by the cursor, but the cursor itself is used quite frequently. Alongside using it to uncover new treasure, it’s also used for opening doors, reviving party members, and casting some types of magic spells. It’s a weird implementation, especially on the PlayStation 3. The Vita actually incorporates some touch mechanics that replace the need for a cursor, but in the heat of battle it can be a little archaic on the PlayStation 3. Like I said, you can have hard time just finding your character, let alone a cursor on screen when the action is heavy.